Monday, April 11, 2011


I was initially going to write a review on Ang mga Kaibigan ni Mama Susan by Bob Ong. But then things happened that I can't help but write about, to be able to free my mind so I will put that for later.

Do you know that feeling when you lose something you've had for years? You've had it for so long that you feel like it's a part of you already. Or you know when you were a child and you had this favorite toy and you've had it since forever and it's kept you company for so long, it's been there for you to talk to and everything, and then you lose it, or worst some one takes it because they think it's no good anymore? Well, that how I feel right now..

Ohhh, and you know that feeling when you have no voice. I want to say so much but you can't because you just can't. It's only going to make things worst if you do.

And also, that feeling when you just want to give up. You're so tired of everything that's been happening you just want to disappear.

Ok, end of post.

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