Thursday, February 27, 2014

Charlie's box

In an attempt to make my little feline friend the happiest little creature in the world, I keep on buying him expensive toys, scratching posts, little toy mice, feathered chasey things, but rarely plays with them, and most of the time he doesn't know what to do to them. Then a few days ago, I found myself in possession of a box, I didn't know what to do with it but I know Charlie loves boxes so I decided to cut a little hole on it and let Charlie play with it. And whadya know! He absolutely loves it. He uses it as a scratching post, he hides in there and sleeps in there, he just loves it. Looks like my little friend has taught me another important life lesson: you don't need real expensive things to make you happy, sometimes even the simplest things, like a box is really all that you need. :)

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