Friday, May 2, 2014

Chicken Paella

Hi! This morning I woke up insanely early and I chanced upon the movie Julie and Julia on HBO, and it inspired me to cook today :) I went through our little library here at home and found one of my mom's cook book, then just randomly flipped a page and found a recipe for Chicken Paella. It looked easy enough and *most of* the ingredients can be found at our local market. So I went out bought the ingredients and just started cooking. I did change a few stuff from what's in the book but it still turned out really good. So here's the recipe:

Lower half of the chicken (thigh, leg)
1.5 cup rice or Italian risotto (I just used rice as I couldn't find risotto at the supermarket)
2 pcs sliced onions
4 garlic cloves
4 pieces skinned tomatoes
2 pieces seeded green or red bell peppers diced
Olive oil
1 small cauliflower, broken into florets
Saffron or safflower (kasuba) *i used safflower, can't find saffron either*
1 little chili
1.5 cup water
1 Knorr chicken stock
Salt and pepper

1. Cut the chiken into 4 parts. Chop the the tomatoes.
2. I used a wok pan to cook the chicken in olive oil. Turn until all sides are browned (half cooked)
3. Add onion, garlic, tomatoes, peppers, cauliflower. Season to taste.
4. Scatter the rice or risotto into the pan and add water. Chop the knorr cubes into tiny pieces and add. Stir until water is boiling.
5. Simmer for 30 minutes or until chicken and rice is cooked. You can add more water if it dries up before the rice is cooked.

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