Wednesday, May 22, 2013

LOVE is a four letter word

I have been raving on and on and on about Jason Mraz lately to the point that I can honestly say I am obsessed with him. I've been telling people that I'll marry him haha! I would have to say his concert is the best concert I've been to.

A recount of what happened that day, I started the day by getting to Araneta super early as I really wanted good seats. It sucks to have to be Upper B and be so far from Jason that we needed the best seats. With that, I was in Araneta by 4 had a quick lunch at Tereyaki Boy with Riza and then got in line to get inside Araneta already. By around 630 we were already inside Araneta and get the best seats for Upper B, DBC (dead butt center) baby! I got this photo from Jason Mraz' facebook page:

His concert started on time! And he even introduced Zendee.. What a nice guy!

I'm not sure how many songs he sang, but it was alot! It was totally worth missing a day of work and getting squished in the MRT! haha..

Few pics from his concert from my camera:

Araneta full!